It's a good day to DYE | J Choate Basketry

It's a good day to DYE

DYE REED | Jill Choate Basketry

If you've ever ooooh and aaaaahed over the reed in JChoateBasketry's kits this week's blog entry is what you've been looking for.

DYEING REED | Jill Choate Basketry

What do I need to dye?

  • A good place to do it.  I always dye OUTSIDE because I feel like it's the safest place to do so.  I'm not saying it's the only place but I tend to be exuberant in my workplace (aka a slob) and I don't want dye all over everything in my house.
  • A heating source.  I use a deep fat fryer propane burner (with a bottle of propane of course).
  • WARM water.  Hot tap water will do. It should be hot to the touch but NEVER boiling.
  • Pans to heat water and hold reed.  I have several different types depending on what I'm dying that day.  #3 RR works good in a tall stainless steel soup pot.  Flat reed needs more space so I use those round rubber totes.  DON'T use porcelain lined canning pots.  I must have gone through 5 of them before I figured out that the salt was eating through them over time.
  • Rubber gloves, to keep the dye off your hands.  If you forget put some bleach on them the dye will come right off but better to use the gloves.
  • Wooden spoon for stirring the pot.
  • Salt (LOTS of salt)
  • Soda Ash (Arm & Hammer Washing Soda)
  • Measuring cup, measuring spoon.
  • Face mask.  It's a very good idea but because I'm dying outside I don't use this.
  • 4 pounds of reed (for this demonstration we'll be using #3 RR)
  • pieces of old wood and rocks to hold the reed down in the dye pot

 DYED REED | Jill Choate Basketry


 The Procedure:

  • Put 4 pounds of reed in appropriate pan
  • Pour WARM water on top and let sit for about 10 to 15 minutes
  • Pour off water into second pan.
  • Add 1 pound (container) of salt and 2 tbls of dye.  I buy mine from ProChem Dye (procion or MX)
  • Stir well until salt/dye is dissolved.
  • Pour back on REED (thanks Cricket for catching this).
  • Keep submerged with boards/rocks.
  • Wait a day.
  • DYE REED | Jill Choate Basketry
  • Pour off dye into second pan.
  • Add 1 cup of washing soda, stir well.
  • Heat until WARM.  NOT hot, and definitely NOT boiling.  If it boils it's ruined and the fumes are TOXIC.  It should be steaming and warm to the touch.
  • Pour back on reed.
  • Keep submerged with boards/rocks.
  • Wait a day.
  • Pour off dye bath 
  • Hang reed to drip and dry completely before storing.  I mean CRISPY dry with not a hint of moisture.

 DYE REED | Jill Choate Basketry

Things I've learned about Dyeing:

  • The appropriate pan makes a BIG difference in how the dye takes.  Flat reed needs to expand more to take the dye while #3 RR can fit in a compact space and takes the dye fine.
  • SALT is the necessary mordant for the dye to take on your reed however SALT also draws moisture.  If you are in a humid environment that can mean that your reed will get wet and also it CAN cause mildew if not corrected.
  • Flip it - flip it good.  When dying flat reed, half way through the process (with a gloved hand) grab that reed and flip it over.  The reed at the bottom always takes better and it moves things around so your dye takes better.
  • If you don't like the color or it didn't take well you can ALWAYS re-dye.
  • Storing your reed in a SEALED PLASTIC BAG?  You've just created a hot house for mold growth if there was ANY moisture in it at all.  


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Thank you for demystifying the dying process. Your colors are always so bright and beautiful! I’m working up the nerve to give it a try. We have a lot of chlorine in our water. I’m guessing you are on well water. Would you recommend using distilled water or maybe bottled spring water instead of tap water for those of us on rural or city water? Do you save your dye water or toss it when you’re done? Thanks!


You rock my world. I used to dye reed all the time but it is WORK and takes space which I no longer have at home. Anyway these are fabulous instructions. One word needs to be corrected. Pour back on REED ( not back on dye). Love you like a crazy woman


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